Rspamd 3.10.2 has been released

2024-10-20 00:00:00 +0000

Today we have released Rspamd 3.10.2, which is being maintained in the stable rspamd-3.10 branch.

The following fixes are included in this release:

  • Fix for ARC signing contributed by @jscissr
  • Added EOF to Prometheus metrics by @henry-spanka

Rspamd 3.10.1 has been released

2024-10-16 00:00:00 +0000

Today we have released Rspamd 3.10.1 featuring several important bug fixes.

  • Fixed Ragel state machine on ARM
  • Fixed OpenSSL-related crashes on RedHat systems
  • Fixed build with PUC-Rio Lua by @arkamar
  • Avoid null-bytes in Log-Tag header by @smarsching
  • Fixed incorrectly reported ASAN flag
  • Fixed counting of ham/spam learns
  • Updated to upstream hiredis removing all hacks

Rspamd 3.10.0 has been released

2024-09-30 00:00:00 +0000

Today we have released Rspamd 3.10.0; the most important new features and fixes are highlighted below.


MIME UTF8 support:

Rspamd now correctly processes MIME UTF8 messages and doesn’t penalize them

Support for negative group score limits

Added the ability to set a negative group score limit using the min_score parameter.

Per key fuzzy ratelimit rules

It is now possible to set specific ratelimits and expiration for individual fuzzy encryption keys

Detect CPU using __builtin_cpu_supports where it’s possible

More portable way in some specific configurations

Sender Reputation Improvements:

Added SenderScore Reputation RBL and RPBL return codes to improve sender reputation checks.

Better OpenSSL 3.0 Support:

Introduced full support for OpenSSL 3.0, including integration for DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail).

Command Additions:

  • Added rspamadm secretbox command for secret key encryption/decryption.
  • Added tooling to allow string encryption in Lua scripts.

DMARC Enhancements:

  • Implemented a new reporting.only_domains setting for more granular DMARC reporting.


  • Fixes for ARC and DMARC by @JasonStephenson and @spacefreak86
  • Fix Redis scripts uploading when Redis is not ready
  • Fixes for Redis configuration schema
  • Removed broken control block support
  • Fixed DCC rep handling
  • Fixed learning of empty tasks
  • ICAP: encode constructed path to be URL safe by @oliyks
  • Improved error reporting in lua_redis


Fixed and updated old rules to enhance overall system performance.

We extend our gratitude to everyone who contributed to this release.

Rspamd 3.9.0 has been released

2024-07-12 00:00:00 +0000

Today we have released Rspamd 3.9.0, featuring many new features and fixes. The most important ones are highlighted below. Refer to the migration notes for an overview of potentially-breaking changes.

Improvements to Bayes configuration

Rspamd now uses a reduced window size of 2 words by default. This change does not require retraining of statistics. In our tests, this reduced window size has produced the equal or better results with better performance and lower storage requirements - around 4 times less than with the previous default window size of 5 words. The new rspamadm classifier_test utility can be used for your own experiments.

New GPT module

This release provides a module for using LLMs for text classification and unsupervised learning. You can read more about it in a dedicated blog post.

Improvements to known_senders and replies modules

This release introduces enhancements to the known_senders and replies modules, enabling them to work together to flag verified user contacts. With these improvements, senders to whom a user has previously replied will automatically receive negative scores. For more details, please refer to the documentation of these modules.

Dynamic multipliers for ratelimits are now disabled by default

To avoid potential confusion, dynamic ratelimits are now disabled by default and must be configured explicitly. Refer to the migration notes for details on how to do this.

Various bug fixes and new features

  • Rspamd HTTP API now supports IO in messagepack serialization format, rspamc client uses it now by default
  • Fixed a bug where redis bayes learned cache could grow infinitely (and overflow Redis database)
  • Fixed dynamic_symbols in the multimap plugin
  • Honor dynamic thresholds for greylisting module
  • Fixed a bug with statfiles disabling via settings
  • Fixed slow timer so it is can now distinguish slow sync and async rules and act properly in different cases
  • Implement fuzzy check retransmits backpressure
  • Use libarchive for 7 zip compressed headers
  • Serialize control commands to avoid missing/corrupted transfers over the worker <-> main channels
  • Improved Lua userdata checks performance
  • Reworked grow_factor to work in an orderly fashion
  • Fixed SUBJ_ALL_CAPS for unicase scripts by @ikedas
  • Fixed relearning of Bayes messages by @aduernberger
  • Fixed retrieving word count in the antivirus module by @PxPert
  • Improvements for rules by @twesterhever and @ishisora

We extend our gratitude to everyone who contributed to this release.

Integrating Rspamd with GPT

2024-07-03 00:00:00 +0000


Historically, our only text classification method has been Bayes, a powerful statistical method that performs well with sufficient training. However, Bayes has its limitations:

  • It requires thorough and well-balanced training
  • It cannot work with low confidence levels, especially when dealing with a wide variety of spam

Large Language Models (LLMs) offer promising solutions to these challenges. These models can perform deep introspection with some sort of contextual “understanding”. However, their high computational demands (typically requiring GPUs) make scanning all emails impractical. Separating LLM execution from the scanning engine mitigates resource competition.

Rspamd GPT plugin

In Rspamd 3.9, I have tried to integrate the OpenAI GPT API for spam filtering and assess its usefulness. Here are the basic ideas behind this plugin:

  • The selected displayed text part is extracted and submitted to the GPT API for spam probability assessment
  • Additional message details such as Subject, displayed From, and URLs are also included in the assessment
  • Then, we ask GPT to provide results in JSON format since human-readable GPT output cannot be parsed (in general)
  • Some specific symbols (BAYES_SPAM, FUZZY_DENIED, REPLY, etc.) are excluded from the GPT scan
  • Obvious spam and ham are also excluded from the GPT evaluation

The former two points reduce the GPT workload for something that is already known, where GPT cannot add any value in the evaluation. We also use GPT as one of the classifiers, meaning that we do not rely solely on GPT evaluation.

Evaluation results

To evaluate the performance of the GPT-based classifier, we developed the rspamadm classifier_test utility, capable of evaluating both supervised and unsupervised classifiers:

  • It divides spam and ham samples into separate training and validation sets
  • For supervised classifiers, it uses the training set to train the classifier
  • Then both supervised and unsupervised classifiers are evaluated using the validation set to measure their performance

For example, the Bayes engine, trained on a robust corpus, demonstrates the following results:

$ rspamadm classifier_test --ham /ham --spam /spam --cv-fraction 0.3

Spam: 348 train files, 815 cv files; ham: 754 train files, 1762 cv files
Start learn spam, 348 messages, 10 connections
Start learn ham, 754 messages, 10 connections
Learning done: 348 spam messages in 1.61 seconds, 754 ham messages in 3.88 seconds
Start cross validation, 2577 messages, 10 connections
Metric               Value
True Positives       735
False Positives      22
True Negatives       1717
False Negatives      49
Accuracy             0.97
Precision            0.97
Recall               0.94
F1 Score             0.95
Classified (%)       97.90
Elapsed time (seconds) 12.71

These results are impressive but assume the classifier is properly and decently trained. In scenarios involving a fresh system or high variability in emails, gathering reliable statistics might be challenging.

In contrast, the GPT engine operates as an unsupervised learning algorithm. We assume that LLM models have enough “understanding” of the language to distinguish spam and ham without direct training on emails. Moreover, we provide only text data, not raw email content.

Below are the results from different GPT models:

OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo

Metric               Value
True Positives       129
False Positives      35
True Negatives       263
False Negatives      69
Accuracy             0.79
Precision            0.79
Recall               0.65
F1 Score             0.71
Classified (%)       95.20
Elapsed time (seconds) 318.91

This model is cost-effective and can be used as a baseline. The results were obtained from a low-quality sample corpus, resulting in high false positives and negatives.

OpenAI GPT-4o

Metric               Value
True Positives       178
False Positives      25
True Negatives       257
False Negatives      9
Accuracy             0.93
Precision            0.88
Recall               0.95
F1 Score             0.91
Classified (%)       90.02
Elapsed time (seconds) 279.08

Despite its high cost, this advanced model is suitable, for example, for low-traffic personal email. It demonstrates significantly lower error rates compared to GPT-3.5, even with a similar low-quality sample corpus.

Using GPT to train Bayes classifier

Another interesting approach involves using GPT to supervise Bayes engine training. In this case, we benefit from the best of both worlds: GPT can operate without training, while Bayes can catch up afterward and perform instead of GPT (or at least serve as a cost-saving alternative).

So we tested GPT training Bayes and compared efficiency using the same methodologies.

GPT results:

Metric               Value
True Positives       128
False Positives      13
True Negatives       301
False Negatives      68
Accuracy             0.84
Precision            0.91
Recall               0.65
F1 Score             0.76
Classified (%)       97.89
Elapsed time (seconds) 341.77

Bayes classifier results (trained by GPT in the previous test iteration):

Metric               Value
True Positives       19
False Positives      43
True Negatives       269
False Negatives      9
Accuracy             0.85
Precision            0.31
Recall               0.68
F1 Score             0.42
Classified (%)       65.26
Elapsed time (seconds) 29.18

Bayes still exhibits uncertainty in classification, with more false positives than GPT. Improvement could be achieved through autolearning and by refining the corpus used for testing (our corpus contains many ham emails that look like spam even for human evaluators).

Plugin design

The GPT plugin operates as follows:

  • It selects messages that qualify several pre-checks:
    • they must not contain any symbols from the excluded set (e.g. Fuzzy/Bayes spam/Whitelists)
    • they must not clearly appear as ham or spam (e.g. with reject action or no action with a high negative score)
    • they should have enough text tokens in the meaningful displayed part
  • If a message satisfies these checks, Rspamd selects the displayed part (e.g. HTML) and sends the following content to GPT:
    • text part content as a single-line string (honoring limits if necessary)
    • message subject
    • displayed From
    • some details about URLs (e.g. domains)
  • This data is merged with a prompt to GPT requesting an evaluation of the email’s spam probability, with the output returned in JSON format (other output types may sometimes allow GPT to provide human-readable text that is very difficult to parse)
  • After these steps, a corresponding symbol with a confidence score is inserted
  • With autolearning enabled, Rspamd also trains the supervised classifier (Bayes)

Pricing considerations and conclusions

OpenAI provides an API for these requests, incurring costs (currently no free tier available). However, for personal email usage or automated Bayes training without manual intervention, GPT presents a viable option. For instance, processing a substantial volume of personal emails with GPT-3.5 costs approximately $0.05 daily (for about 100k tokens).

For large-scale email systems, it may be preferable to use another LLM (e.g. llama) internally on a GPU-powered platform. The current plugin is designed to integrate with different LLM types without significant modifications. This approach also enhances data privacy by avoiding sending email content to a third-party service (though OpenAI claims their models do not learn from API requests).

Despite not achieving 100% accuracy, the GPT plugin demonstrates efficiency comparable to human-filtered email. Future enhancements will focus on improving accuracy through additional metadata integration into the GPT engine, while optimizing token usage efficiency. There are also plans to better utilize LLM knowledge in Rspamd, particularly for better fine-grained classification.

The GPT plugin will be available starting from Rspamd 3.9, requiring an OpenAI API key and financial commitment for accessing ChatGPT services.