
Easy way to integrate Rspamd with MTA

Project state



From Rspamd 1.6, this project is obsoleted by milter protocol implementation in rspamd proxy. You should NOT use it in any new projects, there will be completely no updates (including bugfixes) and the compatibility with Rmilter is guaranteed merely unless Rspamd 1.7 release! Please switch to Rspamd proxy.

Historically, Rmilter supported many other features besides Rspamd integration. So far, all these features are implemented in Rspamd which allows to simplify integration with different MTA (e.g. Exim, Haraka or other non-milter compatible servers). Therefore, if you use this functionality you should consider switching it to Rspamd where all equal features are usually better implemented and have active and actual support.

The list of features includes the following ones:

All duplicating features are still kept in Rmilter for compatibility reasons. However, no further development or bug fixes will likely be done for them.

From version 1.9.1 it is possible to specify enable option in greylisting and ratelimit sections. It is also possible for dkim section since 1.9.2. These options are true by default. Here is an example of configuration where greylisting and ratelimit are disabled:

# /etc/rmilter.conf.local
limits {
    enable = false;
greylisting {
    enable = false;
dkim {
    enable = false;

These options are in their default enabled states merely for compatibility purposes. In future Rmilter releases, they will be DISABLED by default.

Postfix settings

Here is a scheme that demonstrates Rspamd and Postfix MTA integration using Rmilter:

There are several useful settings for Postfix to work with this milter:

smtpd_milters = unix:/var/run/rmilter/rmilter.sock
milter_mail_macros =  i {mail_addr} {client_addr} {client_name} {auth_authen}
milter_protocol = 6

Useful Rmilter recipes

This section contains a number of useful configuration recipes and best practices for Rmilter.

Adding local changes to Rmilter configuration

Since version 1.9, Rmilter supports macros .try_include that can be used to conditionally include some user specific file. There is also globbing support in all include macros, so you can use * or ? in your patterns. By default, Rmilter tries to include /etc/rmilter.conf.local and then all files that match the pattern /etc/rmilter.conf.d/*.conf (there could be a different prefix for your system). The settings are natively overridden by files inside files included. Hence, settings that are defined later will override settings that are defined earlier:

# /etc/rmilter.conf
spamd {
    servers = localhost:11333; # overridden

# Includes are after the main definition
.try_include /etc/rmilter.conf.local
.try_include /etc/rmilter.conf.d/*.conf
# /etc/rmilter.conf.local
spamd {
    servers = example.com:11333; # overridden
    timeout = 5s; # added
# /etc/rmilter.conf.d/spamd.conf
spamd {
    servers = other.com:11333;

will produce the following configuration:

# resulting configuration
spamd {
    servers = other.com:11333;
    timeout = 5s;

It is also possible to add elements to lists (from Rmilter 1.9.2) using += operator:

# /etc/rmilter.conf.local
spamd {
    servers = example.com:11333;
    timeout = 5s; # added
# /etc/rmilter.conf.d/spamd.conf
spamd {
    servers += other.com:11333;

will produce the following configuration:

# resulting configuration
spamd {
    servers = example.com:11333, other.com:11333;
    timeout = 5s;

Using of empty lists can remove the default lists content:

ratelimit {
    whitelist = ; # Will remove the default whitelist