Writing tests for Rspamd Edit Page

Testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the stability of a product. In the case of Rspamd, there has historically been a lack of comprehensive testing, but we are actively working to improve this. We welcome and greatly appreciate any contributions from the community.


Rspamd has two types of tests:

  • Unit tests - those type of tests are intended to test some particular function in Rspamd and are written in Lua + FFI (if testing plain C function) using Telescope framework;
  • Functional tests - are used to test the whole daemon behaviour with complex setup involving custom configuration, external services, such as Redis, and so on. Functional tests are written using Robot Framework.

Unit tests

Unit tests are located in the test/lua/unit directory. Each test defines a testing context, which contains main definitions utilized by all test cases. For instance, it includes FFI (Foreign Function Interface) definitions.

context("Inet addr check functions", function()
  local ffi = require("ffi")

  typedef struct rspamd_inet_addr_s rspamd_inet_addr_t;
  bool rspamd_parse_inet_address (rspamd_inet_addr_t **target,
    const char *src);
  void rspamd_inet_address_free (rspamd_inet_addr_t *addr);

Then, there could be some test cases:

  local cases = {
    {'', true},
    {'2a01:4f8:190:43b5::99', true},
    {'', false},
    {'/tmp/socket', true},
    {'./socket', true},
    {'[fe80::f919:8b26:ff93:3092%5]', true},
    {'[fe80::f919:8b26:ff93:3092]', true},

  for i,c in ipairs(cases) do
    test("Create inet addr from string " .. i, function()
      local ip = ffi.new("rspamd_inet_addr_t* [1]");
      local res = ffi.C.rspamd_parse_inet_address(ip, c[1])
      assert_equal(res, c[2], "Expect " .. tostring(c[2]) .. " while parsing " .. c[1])
      if res then

Please note that a single test invocation should define one specific case.

Running unit tests requires building a special rspamd-test target. If you use make to build Rspamd from the sources, you can do so by running make rspamd-test. This will create the test/rspamd-test binary in your build directory.

To run unit tests, simply execute test/rspamd-test -p /rspamd/lua.

However, it’s important to note that it’s currently not possible to execute specific unit tests individually.

Functional tests

Functional tests are designed to assess the entire Rspamd setup, and before diving into them, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the Robot Framework, which is used to write these tests.

Functional tests are located in the test/functional directory. To run them, you’ll need to first install Rspamd on your system or within a container. After installation, you can execute the tests manually using a command like this:

RSPAMD_INSTALLROOT=/usr/local robot -s '280*' ~/rspamd/test/functional/cases

Here’s what these components do:

  • RSPAMD_INSTALLROOT - a prefix where Rspamd is installed (e.g. /usr for the vast majority of Linux installations)
  • -s - pattern to match tests (may be skipped if all tests are needed)
  • ~/rspamd/test/functional/cases - directory where test cases are placed

It’s worth noting that functional tests are also executed by Github Actions, which includes testing for pull requests submitted on the GitHub repository.

Functional tests structure

Each test usually has 3 components:

  • Test case (written in Robot) that lives in test/functional/cases
  • Some configuration that lives in test/functional/configs
  • Messages to scan in test/functional/messages

In many cases, you may also require specific Lua code, which should be located in the test/functional/lua directory. For more complex setups, such as when you need to simulate fake or real external services, you might need to write some Python code. This Python code should be placed in the test/functional/lib directory and, for simulating fake services, in test/functional/util.

You can find numerous examples of how to run these fake servers in the existing tests, providing valuable guidance for your testing needs.

Test case structure

Each test is enclosed within some specific test case. Test case consist of setup, set of tests and teardown.

General testing advice on the Robot Framework is listed here.

Test case has also a preamble that defines some common variables and setup + teardown procedures:

*** Settings ***
Suite Setup     Rbl Setup
Suite Teardown  Rbl Teardown
Library         ${TESTDIR}/lib/rspamd.py
Resource        ${TESTDIR}/lib/rspamd.robot
Variables       ${TESTDIR}/lib/vars.py

*** Variables ***
${CONFIG}       ${TESTDIR}/configs/plugins.conf
${MESSAGE}      ${TESTDIR}/messages/spam_message.eml
${URL_TLD}      ${TESTDIR}/../lua/unit/test_tld.dat

Setup procedure starts Rspamd using specific config file, teardown procedure, in turn, switches everything off. Both are listed in the Keywords section:

*** Keywords ***
Rbl Setup
  ${PLUGIN_CONFIG} =  Get File  ${TESTDIR}/configs/rbl.conf
  Set Suite Variable  ${PLUGIN_CONFIG}
  Generic Setup  PLUGIN_CONFIG

Rbl Teardown
  Normal Teardown
  Terminate All Processes    kill=True

Test cases are listed within *** Test Cases *** section:

*** Test Cases ***
  ${result} =  Scan Message With Rspamc  ${MESSAGE}  -i
  Check Rspamc  ${result}  FAKE_RBL_CODE_2  inverse=True

  ${result} =  Scan Message With Rspamc  ${MESSAGE}  -i
  Check Rspamc  ${result}  FAKE_RBL_CODE_2

General advice on making test cases for Rspamd

  • Always use fake DNS records:
dns {
 fake_records = [
 { # ed25519
   name = "test._domainkey.example.com";
   type = txt;
   replies = ["k=ed25519; p=yi50DjK5O9pqbFpNHklsv9lqaS0ArSYu02qp1S0DW1Y="];
  • Use fake servers to emulate large software (e.g. a virus scanner)
  • Try to reduce external dependencies, DNS requests, TCP requests etc
  • Push all tests that require some specific config within a single test suite to avoid setup/teardown cost on testing
  • Logs for tests are saved in $(CURDIR)/robot-save: you can find the exact configuration and the full debug logs for all tests; test name is enclosed in queue id of the messages to simplify logs reading