Metadata exporter

The Metadata exporter operates on a set of rules that identify interesting messages, and subsequently sends information based on these rules to an external service. The exporter supports Redis Pub/Sub, HTTP POST, and SMTP as built-in backends, while also allowing users to define custom backends as desired.

Potential applications of the Metadata exporter include quarantining, logging, alerting, and feedback loops.

Theory of operation

For each rule defined in configuration:

  • A selector function identifies messages that we want to export metadata from (default selector selects all messages).
  • A formatter function extracts formatted metadata from the message (default formatter returns full message content).
  • A pusher function (defined by the backend setting) pushes the formatted metadata somewhere

A number of such functions are defined in the plugin which can be used in addition to user-defined functions.


metadata_exporter {

  # Each rule defines some export process

  rules {

    # The following rule posts JSON-formatted metadata at the defined URL
    # when it sees a rejected mail from an authenticated user
      backend = "http";
      url = "";
      # More about selectors and formatters later
      selector = "is_reject_authed";
      formatter = "json";

    # This rule posts all messages to a Redis Pub/Sub channel
      backend = "redis_pubsub";
      channel = "foo";
      # Default formatter and selector is used

    # This rule sends an e-Mail alert over SMTP containing message metadata
    # when it sees a rejected mail from an authenticated user
    MY_EMAIL_1 {
      backend = "send_mail";
      smtp = "";
      mail_to = "";
      selector = "is_reject_authed";
      formatter = "email_alert";



Stock pushers (backends)

  • http: sends content over HTTP POST
  • redis_pubsub: sends content over Redis Pub/Sub
  • send_mail: sends content over SMTP

Stock selectors

  • default: selects all mail
  • is_spam: matches messages with reject or add header action
  • is_spam_authed: matches messages with reject or add header action from authenticated users
  • is_reject: matches messages with reject action
  • is_reject_authed: matches messages with reject action from authenticated users
  • is_not_soft_reject: matches all messages except those with soft reject action

Stock formatters

  • default: returns full message content
  • email_alert: generates an e-Mail report about the message
  • json: returns JSON-formatted metadata about a message

Settings: general

The following settings can be defined on any rule:

  • selector: defines selector for the rule
  • formatter: defines formatter for the rule
  • backend: defines backend (pusher) for the rule
  • defer: if true, soft reject action is forced on failed processing
  • timeout: defines module timeout (default: ‘5s’)

Settings: http backend

  • url (required): defines the URL to post content to
  • meta_header_prefix: prefix for meta headers (default: 'X-Rspamd-')
  • meta_headers (bool): if set to true, general metadata is added to HTTP request headers (default: false)
  • mime_type: defines the MIME type of the content sent in the HTTP POST
  • user & password: if both parameters are set, Basic authentication will be used
  • gzip (bool): specifies whether the payload needs to be sent with gzip compression (default: false)
  • keepalived (bool): specifies whether the connection should use keepalived (default: false)

Settings: redis_pubsub backend

  • channel (required): defines Pub/Sub channel to post content to

See here for information on configuring Redis servers.

Settings: send_mail backend

If the send_mail backend is used with the default formatter, the original spam message content will be analyzed by Rspamd and is highly likely matched as spam.

When send_mail backend is used in conjunction with email_alert formatter, the URLs found in the symbols options will be analysed by Rspamd and the report will be matched as spam possibly.

To prevent looping, it is essential to ensure that email messages from the Metadata exporter are not scanned by Rspamd. This can be achieved by setting up a specific Postfix Transport to bypass Rspamd, or by allowing the recipient of the email_alert to receive spam.

  • smtp (required): hostname of SMTP server
  • mail_to (required): recipient of e-mail alert
  • mail_from: Sender address (default empty)
  • email_alert_user (1.7.0+, default false): Send a copy of the alert to the authenticated SMTP username
  • email_alert_sender (1.7.0+, default false): Send a copy of the alert to the SMTP sender (NB: please ensure that it can be trusted)
  • email_alert_recipients (1.7.0+, default false): Send a copy of the alert to SMTP recipients (NB: please ensure they can be trusted; don’t use this?)
  • email_template: template used for alert (default shown below)
  • helo: HELO to send (default ‘rspamd’)
  • smtp_port: SMTP port if not 25

The default value for email_template is as follows:

From: "Rspamd" <$mail_from>
To: <$mail_to>
Subject: Spam alert
Date: $date
MIME-Version: 1.0
Message-ID: <$our_message_id>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Authenticated username: $user
IP: $ip
Queue ID: $qid
SMTP FROM: $from
SMTP RCPT: $rcpt
MIME From: $header_from
MIME To: $header_to
MIME Date: $header_date
Subject: $header_subject
Message-ID: $message_id
Action: $action
Score: $score
Symbols: $symbols

Variables can be substituted according to general metadata keys described in the next section.

General metadata

Metadata as returned by the json formatter can be referenced by key in email_template. The following keys are defined:

  • action: metric action for message
  • from: SMTP FROM
  • header_date: Contents of Date header(s)
  • header_from: Contents of From header(s)
  • header_subject: Contents of Subject header(s)
  • header_to: Contents of To header(s)
  • ip: IP of message sender
  • mail_from (email_template only): sender of alert
  • mail_to (email_template only): recipient of alert
  • message_id: Message-ID of original message
  • our_message_id (email_template only): message-ID generated for alert
  • qid: Queue-ID of message provided by MTA
  • rcpt: SMTP RCPT
  • score: Metric score of the message
  • symbols: Symbols in metric
  • user: authenticated username of message sender

Custom functions

It is possible to define custom selectors/pushers/backends. Functions are defined in the custom_select/custom_format/custom_push groups and referenced by name in the selector/formatter/backend settings:

metadata_exporter {

  # Define custom selector(s)
  custom_select {
    mine = <<EOD
return function(task)
  -- Select all messages
  return true

  # Define custom formatter(s)
  custom_format {
    mine = <<EOD
return function(task)
  -- Push message ID
  return task:get_message_id()

  # Define custom backend(s)
  custom_push {
    mine = <<EOD
return function (task, data, rule)
  -- Log payload
  local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger"
  rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'METATEST %s', data)

  rules {

      selector = "mine";
      formatter = "mine";
      backend = "mine";

