Multimap module Edit Page

The Multimap module has been specifically designed to handle rules that are based on various types of lists which are dynamically updated by Rspamd, and are referred to as maps. This module is particularly useful for organizing whitelists, blacklists, and other lists via files. Additionally, it is capable of loading remote lists using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols or the RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol). This article provides a detailed explanation of all the configuration options and features available in this module.

Quick Start Guide

Here are common use cases for the Multimap module with basic examples:

  1. Block specific email senders:
      # Note that it is SMTP from
      type = "from";
      # For MIME (or displayed) from, one can use `extract_from = "mime";`
      extract_from = "smtp";
      map = "/etc/rspamd/maps/";
      score = 10.0;
      description = "Blocked sender addresses";
  2. Whitelist trusted IPs:
  type = "ip";
  map = "/etc/rspamd/maps/";
  prefilter = true;
  action = "accept";
  description = "Trusted IP addresses";
  1. Block dangerous file extensions:
  type = "filename";
  filter = "extension";
  map = "/etc/rspamd/maps/";
  score = 8.0;
  description = "Blocked file extensions";

How Multimap Processing Works

  1. Data Extraction → 2. Filtering → 3. Map Lookup → 4. Action/Scoring

Example flow for a “from” type map:

  • Extract: “John Smith
  • Filter (email:domain): “”
  • Lookup: Check if “” exists in map
  • Result: Apply score or action if found

Common combinations: | Use Case | Type | Filter | Example Map Entry | |———-|——|——–|——————| | Block domains | from | email:domain | | | Block users | from | email:user | spammer | | Block file types | filename | extension | .exe | | Block URLs | url | tld | |

Principles of work

This module defines rules that allows to extract multiple types of data (defined by type). The data extracted is transformed in the desired way (defined by filter) and is checked against the list of strings that is usually referred as map:

It is a common mistake to use type instead of filter and vice-versa. To avoid confusing, please bear in mind that type is the main property of the map that defines which exact data is extracted.

Maps in Rspamd refer to files or HTTP links that are automatically monitored and reloaded if any changes occur. The following are examples of how maps can be defined:

map = "";
map = "file:///etc/rspamd/";
map = "/etc/rspamd/";

Rspamd offers the option to save traffic for HTTP maps using cached maps, while also respecting 304 Not modified responses, Cache-Control headers, and ETags. Additionally, the maps data is shared between workers, and only the first controller worker is allowed to fetch remote maps.

By default, the configuration of this module actively utilises compound maps, which define a map as an array of sources with a local fallback location. While this redundancy may be unnecessary for user-defined maps, further details are available in the following FAQ section.


Common issues and solutions:

  1. Map not matching as expected
    • Check map format matches type (IP maps need CIDR notation)
    • Verify filter is appropriate (use email:domain vs email:addr)
    • Enable debug logging: local.d/
      debug_modules = ["multimap"];
  2. Scores not working as expected
    • Check if using prefilter (prefilters don’t use scores)
    • For content maps, consider multiple part matching
    • Verify symbol isn’t overridden in metrics
  3. Regular expressions not matching
    • Verify regexp = true is set
    • Check regex syntax is Hyperscan-compatible
    • Test regex separately


The module includes a set of rules in the following format:

  type = "type"; 
  map = "url"; 
  # [optional params...] 
  type = "type"; 
  map = "from"; 
  # [optional params...] 


To define your own rules, it is advisable to do so in the /etc/rspamd/local.d/multimap.conf.

Best Configuration Practices

  1. Map Organization
    • Use meaningful filenames (e.g., vs
    • Keep related maps in dedicated directories
    • Use comments in maps to document entries
  2. Performance Considerations
    • Use prefilters for early accept/reject decisions
    • Prefer simple matches over complex regexes
    • Use CDB maps for large datasets
    • Consider Redis for frequently updated maps
  3. Security Recommendations
    • Regularly audit map contents
    • Use HTTPS for remote maps
    • Implement redundancy for critical maps
    • Monitor map update frequency

Map Attributes

Mandatory attributes are:

Optional map configuration attributes:

  • prefilter - defines if the map is used in prefilter mode
  • action - for prefilter maps defines action set by map match
  • regexp - set to true if your map contain regular expressions
  • symbols - array of symbols that this map can insert (for key-value pairs), learn more. Please bear in mind, that if you define this attribute, your map must have entries in form key<spaces>value to match a specific symbol.
  • score - score of the symbol (can be redefined in the metric section)
  • description - map description
  • message - message returned to MTA on prefilter reject action being triggered
  • group - group for the symbol (can be redefined in metric)
  • require_symbols - expression of symbols that have to match for a specific message: learn more
  • filter - match specific part of the input (for example, email domain): here is the complete definition of maps filters
  • extract_from - attribute extracts values of the sender/recipient from the SMTP dialog or the From/To header. To achieve this, set the value to smtp, mime, or both to match both sources. It’s important to note that extract_from is solely utilized in conjunction with the from or rcpt map type.

When using header maps, it is essential to specify the exact header by utilizing the header option.

It is important to note that there is often confusion between the type and filter parameters for the multimap module. The general rule of thumb is that type refers to what information is checked in the map, such as URLs, IPs, and headers. On the other hand, the filter attribute refers to how this information is transformed before being checked, such as extracting domains.

Selector maps are using selectors, which defines both extraction and transformation. Consequently, this type of map can be considered as the most basic and flexible. All other types of maps can be expressed using a selector map. Furthermore, it is possible to store dependent maps in Redis using the selectors framework.

Map field syntax

Example Description HTTP map, reloaded using If-Modified-Since, can be signed HTTPS map - same as HTTP but with TLS enabled (with certificate check)
file:///path/to/list file map, reloaded on change, can be signed
/path/to/list shorter form of a file map
cdb://path/to/list.cdb CDB map in file, cannot be signed
redis://<hashkey> Redis map, read field in the hash stored at key
redis+selector://selector (from version 2.0) similar to the former one Redis map where a hash key is acquired by application of some selector that allows to create dependent maps

A combination of files and HTTP can be used to create a resulting map that is a joint list of its elements, as shown in the following example:

map = [

It is important to note that redis or cdb maps cannot be combined with generic maps.

Map Type Prefixes

Map content can be explicitly typed by prefixing the map path with a format specifier. For example:

map = "regexp;/path/to/"    # Treat content as regular expressions
map = "regexp_multi;/path/to/map"  # Treat as regexps, match all possible entries

Available format specifiers:

  • regexp; or re; - Content contains regular expressions
  • regexp_multi; or re_multi; - Content contains regular expressions, match all possible entries
  • glob; - Content contains glob patterns
  • glob_multi; - Content contains glob patterns, match all possible entries
  • radix; or ipnet; - Content contains IP/CIDR entries
  • set; - Content treated as set members
  • hash; or plain; - Content treated as hash table entries

Note: Format specifiers are different from the regexp = true; and multi = true; options in map configuration. While they achieve similar results, format specifiers take precedence over configuration options.

Maps content

Maps can contain keys:


key-value pairs (for multi-symbols maps):

key1 value1
key2 value2
key3 value3:score

any comments:

# Single line comment
key2 # Embedded comment

IP maps can also contain IPs or IP/network in CIDR notation

Map types

Type attribute means what is matched with this map. The following types are supported:

  • from: Filter senders (spam sources, newsletters)
  • rcpt: Protect internal addresses, catch typos
  • header: Custom header processing (X-Spam, List-Id)
  • content: Pattern matching in message bodies
  • filename: Attachment filtering
  • url: Filtering of the URLs in the messages
  • ip: IP/network filtering
  • asn: Geographic/provider filtering
  • hostname: HELO/SMTP validation
Type Description
asn matches ASN number passed by ASN module
content matches specific content of a message (e.g. headers, body or even a full message) against some map, usually regular expressions map
country matches country code of AS passed by ASN module
dnsbl matches IP of the host that performed message handoff against some DNS blacklist (consider using RBL module for this)
filename matches attachment filenames and filenames in archives against map. It also includes detected filename match from version 2.0. For example, if some attachment has .png extension but it has real type detected as image/jpeg then two checks would be performed: for the original attachment and for the detected one. This does not include files in archives as Rspamd does not extract them.
from matches envelope from (or header From if envelope from is absent)
header matches any header specified (must have header = "Header-Name" configuration attribute)
helo matches HELO of the message handoff session
hostname matches reverse DNS name of the host that performed message handoff
ip matches IP of the host that performed message handoff (against radix map)
mempool matches contents of a mempool variable (specified with variable parameter)
received (new in 1.5) matches elements of Received headers
rcpt matches any of envelope rcpt or header To if envelope info is missing
selector applies generic selector and check data returned in the specific map. This type must have selector option and an optional delimiter option that defines how to join multiple selectors (an empty string by default). If a selector returns multiple values, e.g. urls, then all values are checked. Normal filter logic can also be applied to the selector’s results.
symbol_options (new in 1.6.3) match ‘options’ yielded by whichever symbol of interest (requires target_symbol parameter)
url matches URLs in messages against maps (this excludes by default images urls and urls extracted from content parts, e.g. PDF parts)
user matches authenticated username against maps

DNS maps are considered legacy and it is not encouraged to use them in new projects. Instead, rbl should be used for that purpose.

Maps can also be specified as CDB databases, which might be useful for large maps:

    map = "cdb:///path/to/file.cdb";
    type = "from";

Regexp maps

All maps, except for ip and dnsbl maps, support the regexp mode. In this mode, all keys in maps are treated as regular expressions. For example:

# Sole key
# Key + value (test)
/other\d+\.com/i test
# Comments are still enabled

For performance considerations, it is recommended to use only expressions supported by Hyperscan as this engine provides fast performance without any additional cost. Currently, there is no way to distinguish which particular regexp was matched in case of multiple regexps being matched.

To enable the regexp mode, you should set the regexp option to true:

# local.d/multimap.conf
  type = "from";
  map = "file:///tmp/";
  regexp = true;

Map filters

In Rspamd, it is also possible to apply filtering expressions before checking the value against a particular map. This is particularly useful for header rules. Filters can be specified using the filter option, and the following filters are supported:

Content filters

For content maps, the following filters are supported:

Content filter Description
body raw undecoded body content (with the exceptions of headers)
full raw undecoded content of a message (including headers)
headers undecoded headers
text decoded and converted text parts (without HTML tags but with newlines)
rawtext decoded but not converted text parts (with HTML tags and newlines)
oneline decoded and stripped text content (without HTML tags and newlines)

Content Filter Scoring Behavior

  • body - applies regex over the whole raw message body with single scoring
  • text - processes both text and HTML parts in multipart/alternative messages, which can result in double scoring
  • oneline - similar to text, processes each text part separately

Note: Before Rspamd 3.11, for text and oneline filters, the final score may be higher than defined if the message contains multiple text parts (e.g., both plain text and HTML). The one_shot = true; option can be used to limit scoring to a single match, though this behaves per text part.

Note: from Rspamd 3.11, this has been changed: only distinct parts are selected for matching. For example, if text/plain and text/html parts have the same text content, that content is matched only once.

Filename filters

Since version 2.0, Filename maps also check for detected filename matches. For instance, if an attachment has a .png extension, but its real type is detected as image/jpeg, two checks will be performed - one for the original attachment and one for the detected one. It is worth noting that Rspamd does not extract files in archives, so these files are not included in the checks.

Filename maps support the following set of filters:

Filter Description
extension matches file extension
regexp:/re/ extract data from filename according to some regular expression

From, rcpt and header filters

These are generic emails and headers filters:

Filter Description
email or email:addr parse header value and extract email address from it (Somebody <> ->
email:user parse header value as email address and extract user name from it (Somebody <> -> user)
email:domain parse header value as email address and extract domain part from it (Somebody <> ->
email:domain:tld parse header value as email address and extract effective second level domain from it (Somebody <> ->
email:name parse header value as email address and extract displayed name from it (Somebody <> -> Somebody)
regexp:/re/ extracts generic information using the specified regular expression

Helo, hostname filters

Filter Description
tld matches eSLD (effective second level domain - a second-level domain or something that’s effectively so like or
tld:regexp:/re/ extracts generic information using the specified regular expression from the eSLD part
top matches TLD (top level domain) part of the helo/hostname

Mempool filters

  • regexp:/re/ - extract data from mempool variable according to some regular expression

Received filters

If no filter is specified real_ip is used by default.

Filter Description
from_hostname string that represents hostname provided by a peer
from_ip IP address as provided by a peer
real_hostname hostname as resolved by MTA
real_ip IP as resolved by PTR request of MTA
by_hostname MTA hostname
proto protocol, e.g. ESMTP or ESMTPS
timestamp received timestamp
for for value (unparsed mailbox)
tld:from_hostname extract eSLD part from peer-provided hostname
tld:real_hostname extract eSLD part from MTA-verified hostname

The real_ip and from_ip filters must be used in conjunction with IP maps.

Additionally to these filters, Received maps support the following configuration settings:

  • min_pos - Minimum position of Received header to match
  • max_pos - Maximum position of Received header to match

Negative values can be specified to match positions relative to the end of Received headers.

  • flags - One of more flags which MUST be present to match
  • nflags - One or more flags which must NOT be present to match

Currently available flags are ssl (hop used SSL) and authenticated (hop used SMTP authentication).

Selector options filters

  • regexp:/re/ - extract data from selector’s results according to some regular expression (usually not needed)

Symbol options filters

  • regexp:/re/ - extract data from symbol options according to some regular expression

URL filters

URL maps allows another set of filters (by default, url maps are matched using hostname part):

Filter Description
full matches the complete URL (not the hostname)
full:regexp:/re/ extracts generic information using the specified regular expression from the full URL text
is_obscured matches obscured URLs
is_phished matches hostname but if and only if the URL is phished (e.g. pretended to be from another domain)
is_redirected matches redirected URLs
path match path
query match query string
regexp:/re/ extracts generic information using the specified regular expression from the hostname
tag:name matches full hostnames that have URL tag with name
tld matches eSLD (effective second level domain - a second-level domain or something that’s effectively so like or
tld:regexp:/re/ extracts generic information using the specified regular expression from the eSLD part
top matches TLD (top level domain) part of the hostname

Pre-filter maps

To enable pre-filter support, you should specify action parameter which can take one of the following values:

  • accept - accept the message (no action)
  • add header or add_header - add a header to the message
  • rewrite subject or rewrite_subject - change the subject
  • greylist - greylist the message
  • reject - drop the message

If a map matches, no filters will be processed for a message. It is important to note that prefilter maps do not support multiple symbols or symbol conditions by design.

# local.d/multimap.conf
  type = "ip"; 
  map = "/tmp/"; 
  prefilter = true;
  action = "accept";
# Better use RBL module instead
  type = "dnsbl"; 
  map = "";
  description = "PBL dns block list";
  prefilter = true;
  action = "reject";

Multiple symbol maps

Starting from version 1.3.1, it is now possible to define multiple symbols, scores and symbols options using the multimap module. To achieve this, all possible symbols should be defined using the symbols option in the multimap:

# local.d/multimap.conf
  type = "content";
  filter = "body"; # can be headers, full, oneline, text, rawtext
  map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/";
  regexp = true;
  score = 1.0;

In this example, you can use 3 symbols:


the map:

# Symbol + score (final score is rule.score * element score = 1 * 10 = 10)
# Symbol with default score (final score is rule.score = 1.0)
# Just a default symbol with a default score.
# Options specified after the score (opt1, opt2 etc) will be displayed in square brackets in the log output and can be used to provide additional context about the match. For example:
/ CONTENT_BLACKLISTED2:10:financial,urgent

If symbols used in a map are not defined in the symbols attribute, they will be ignored and replaced with the default map symbol. In case the value of a key-value pair is missing, Rspamd will insert the default symbol with a dynamic weight of 1.0. This weight is then multiplied by the metric score (which is set by score parameter or implicitly set to zero if this parameter is missing). Note if multimap rule has no score, then all dynamic weights will be multiplied by a default implicit score zero, meaning that all symbols can have only zero weight.

If the symbol names are unknown/dynamic, you can use the option dynamic_symbols = true to add all possible symbols from that map:

  type = "hostname";
  map = "/maps/";
  dynamic_symbols = true;

And the map content:

foo DYN_TEST1:10:opt1,opt2
bar DYN_TEST2:20:opt3,opt4

From Rspamd 3.11, the scoring rules for dynamic symbols are the same as for static. Before 3.11 there was a bug that the rule score was not taken into account.

Get all matches

If you want to match all possible regexps/globs in that list, not a single one, then you need to define multi flag for that map:

# local.d/multimap.conf
  type = "content";
  filter = "body"; # can be headers, full, oneline, text, rawtext
  map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/";
  regexp = true;
  multi = true;

Conditional maps

Starting from version 1.3.1, it is possible to create maps that depend on other rules and are only checked if certain conditions are met. For example, you may want to perform some whitelisting based on whether a message has a valid SPF policy, but not for messages that are sent to a mailing list. In this case, you can use the following map condition:

# local.d/multimap.conf
  require_symbols = "R_SPF_ALLOW & !MAILLIST";
  type = "from";
  map = "/some/list";

In the require_symbols definition, any logical expression of other symbols can be used. Rspamd automatically adds a dependency for a multimap rule on all symbols required by that rule. Symbols added by post-filters cannot be used here, but pre-filter and normal filter symbols are allowed.

Redis for maps

Starting from version 1.3.3, Rspamd allows working with maps stored in a Redis backend. Any external application can put data into the Redis database using the HSET command, for example: HSET hashkey 1. Once the data is in Redis, you can define a map using the protocol redis:// and specify the hash key to read. Redis settings can be defined inside the multimap module as well.

Combined maps

From version 2.0, you can create maps with multiple values to be checked and joint via expression:

  type = "combined";
  rules {
    ip = {
      type = "radix";
      map = "${TESTDIR}/configs/maps/ip.list";
      selector = "ip";
    from {
      map = "${TESTDIR}/configs/maps/domains.list";
      selector = "from:domain";
  expression = "from & ip"
  type = "combined";
  rules {
    ip = {
      type = "radix";
      map = "${TESTDIR}/configs/maps/ip.list";
      selector = "ip";
    from {
      map = "${TESTDIR}/configs/maps/domains.list";
      selector = "from:domain";
  expression = "from || ip"

Combined maps support merely selectors syntax, not general multimap rules.

Dependent maps

Version 2.0 introduces the capability to create dependent maps in Redis, where the map key is dependent on some other data extracted from the same message. This allows for the creation of per-user based whitelists, among other use cases.


Here are some examples of multimap configurations:

# local.d/multimap.conf
  # To work with MIME From use `header` type
  type = "header";
  header = "from";
  filter = "email:name";
  map = "file:///tmp/";
  score = 10.0;

  type = "from";
  filter = "email:user";
  extract_from = "smtp"; 
  map = "file:///tmp/";
  action = "accept"; # Prefilter mode

# With Redis backend, also you need specify servers for Redis.
  type = "from";
  map = "redis://hashkey";

  type = "header";
  header = "from";
  filter = 'regexp:/.*@/'; # `"Jon" <>` -> `"Jon" <jon@`
  map = "file:///tmp/";

  type = "url";
  filter = "tld";
  map = "file:///tmp/";

  type = "url";
  filter = 'tld:regexp:/\.[^.]+$/'; # Extracts the last component of URL
  map = "file:///tmp/";

  type = "filename";
  filter = "extension";
  map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/";
  action = "reject";
  message = "A restricted file type was found";

  type = "content";
  filter = "body"; # can be headers, full, oneline, text, rawtext
  map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/";
  regexp = true;

  type = "asn";
  map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/";

  type = "received";
  map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/";
  filter = "real_ip";
  min_pos = -1;
  flags = ["authenticated"];

  type = "symbol_options";
  target_symbol = "DBL_ABUSE_REDIR";
  symbols = ["INTERESTING_DOMAIN"];
  map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/";

  type = "combined";
  prefilter = true;
  action = "accept";
  rules {
    helo {
      map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/";
      selector = "helo";
    rcpt = {
      map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/";
      selector = "rcpts:domain";
  expression = "helo & rcpt"

Example adopted from @kvaps:

  • cd /etc/rspamd
  • create local.d folder if not exists
  • cd local.d
  • create multimap.conf in /etc/rspamd/local.d/ folder if it does not exists
  • create lists:
touch \
  • change permissions:
chmod o+w \
  • edit multimap.conf (you should be in /etc/rspamd/local.d/ folder)
# local.d/multimap.conf

# Blacklists
local_bl_ip { type = "ip"; map = "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/"; symbol = "LOCAL_BL_IP"; description = "Local ip blacklist";score = 3;}
local_bl_from { type = "from"; map = "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/"; symbol = "LOCAL_BL_FROM"; description = "Local from blacklist";score = 3;}
local_bl_rcpt { type = "rcpt"; map = "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/"; symbol = "LOCAL_BL_RCPT"; description = "Local rcpt blacklist";score = 3;}

# Whitelists
local_wl_ip { type = "ip"; map = "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/"; symbol = "LOCAL_WL_IP"; description = "Local ip whitelist";score = -5;}
local_wl_from { type = "from"; map = "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/"; symbol = "LOCAL_WL_FROM"; description = "Local from whitelist";score = -5;}
local_wl_rcpt { type = "rcpt"; map = "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/"; symbol = "LOCAL_WL_RCPT"; description = "Local rcpt whitelist";score = -5;}