Phishing module

The purpose of this module is to identify potentially phished URLs.

Principles of phishing detection

Rspamd tries to detect phished URLs within HTML text parts. Firstly, it extracts the URL from either the href or src attribute and then searches for the text contained within the link tag. If a URL is enclosed within a specific tag, Rspamd compares it to the main URL to determine if they belong to the same top-level domain. URLs that belong to the same top-level domain are considered non-phished. Here are some examples of URLs that are not considered phished:

<a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>

And the following URLs are considered as phished:

<a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>

Configuration of phishing module

Here is an example of full module configuration.

phishing {
	symbol = "R_PHISHING"; # Default symbol

	# Check only domains from this list
	domains = "file:///path/to/map";

	# Make exceptions
	exceptions = {
	phishing_exceptions = {

If an actual (as opposed to phished) domain is detected in a map referred to by the exceptions setting, then the associated symbol is returned, and the URL is not checked further. This feature allows exclusions to be made for known redirectors, particularly ESPs.

In addition, if a phished domain is detected in a map referred to by phishing_exceptions, the associated symbol is returned, and the URL is not checked further. This feature allows for fine-grained control to prevent false positives and to identify highly dangerous phishing emails, such as those targeting banks or payment systems.

Finally, the default symbol is yielded- if domains is specified then only if the phished domain is found in the related map.

The maps used in this module can consist of either effective second-level domain parts (eSLD) or whole domain parts of the URLs (FQDN).

Openphish support

Starting from version 1.3, Rspamd provides support for openphish This public feed can be loaded as a map in Rspamd using HTTPS and utilized to check URLs in messages against the openphish list. In case of any match, Rspamd adds the symbol PHISHED_OPENPHISH.

Moreover, if you are using a research or commercial data feed, Rspamd can also leverage its data to provide more details about the URLs detected, such as their sector (e.g., “Finance”), brand name (e.g., “Bank of Zimbabwe”), and other relevant information.

To configure the openphish module, there are a couple of available options:

phishing {
	# Enable openphish support (default disabled)
	openphish_enabled = true;
	# URL of feed, default is public url:
	openphish_map = "";
	# For premium feed, change that to your personal URL, e.g.
	# openphish_map = "";

	# Change this to true if premium feed is enabled
	openphish_premium = false;

Phishtank support

Rspamd has included support for phishtank since version 1.3. Starting from version 1.8, phishtank is enabled by default in the stock configuration, and queries the via DNS. If you wish to disable the phishtank feed, you can modify the local.d/phishing.conf file by adding the following lines:

# local.d/phishing.conf
phishtank_enabled = false

You can also use your own phishtank DNS zone:

# local.d/phishing.conf
local phishtank_suffix = ''; # Replace with your own zone

Generic feed support

To enable support for custom phishing maps from a local file or online URL catalog, you need to enable the generic service support by creating and enabling a service definition. You’ll also need to have a local file or URL containing the map data. For instance, you can use a local map from the CaUMa URLs catalog.

# local.d/phishing.conf
generic_service_enabled = true;
generic_service_name = 'CaUMa';
generic_service_symbol = "PHISHED_CAUMA";
generic_service_map = "file:///path/to/map";;

The following definition is also necessary to define a weight value to the symbol.

# local.d/phishing_group.conf
symbols {
        weight = 5.0;
        description = "Phished URL";
        one_shot = true;

Exclusions from phishing feeds

To exclude hosts from phishing feed checks (Openphish, Phishtank, or Generic) you need to enable phishing feed exclusion and configure map data to a local file or online hosts catalog. The exclusion map should only contain a list of host names without a scheme and path. It is available in version 3.7 and greater.

# local.d/phishing.conf
phishing_feed_exclusion_enabled = true;
phishing_feed_exclusion_map = "file:///path/to/map";